My applications

After clicking the *My applications* option on your dashboard menu you can filter and search for applications you\'ve previously created regardless of their age and status.


1. Clicking _HIDE/SHOW FIELDS AND FILTERS_ toggles the visibility of the control panel at the top of the page.

1. You can return to your dashboard at any time by clicking the _Return to the dashboard_ link at the bottom of the page or clicking the green arrow on the left.

1. After changing any of the fields or filters, click the *Update fields* or *Update filters* button to display the results of the revised search.

1. In the results list, you can click the document icon on the right to display full application details. If the application is saved or submitted you can view and optionally edit the application details in the appropriate application editor (see Conference support, Project and Equipment and Travel). If the application has been approved or declined its details will be displayed in the Application details dialog.

The *Fields to display* section of the control panel lets you select the fields you want to see in your search results.

*Fields to match* lets you enter _keywords_ or _research fields_ to search for. You can enter partials, and you can enter multiple elements separated by commas. For example, entering \"onc,psych\" in the _Keywords_ field would return all applications containing any of \"oncology\", \"concussion\", \"psychology\", \"psychotherapy\" ... and doubtless many other possible matches in that field.

You can narrow your search by *Funding rounds* if you wish. You can multi-select entries in the list (hold the _SHIFT_ key while selecting additional entries) or use the grey links to the left of the list to select either the current or all funding rounds.

If you\'re looking for a single *Application type* you can uncheck the other options in the corresponding section.

The *Range to match* section lets you set the minimum requested grant size or the maximum requested grant size, or both.

*Application status* can be any combination of the following:

* _Saved_ is an application you\'ve created but not yet submitted for evaluation.

* A _Pending_ application is awaiting administrative approval from the institution you\'re associated with before being automatically submitted to the Paykel Trust board.

* A _Submitted_ application will be considered by the Paykel Trust board at its next scheduled meeting.

* _Approved_ applications have been granted funding by the Paykel Trust board.

* _Declined_ applications have failed to gain funding approval.

---- If you can\'t find exactly what you need to know, send an email message to [, the Paykel Trust administrator].

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